A Tale With My Lecturer season 2 Episode 5 - Gistyou


Tuesday 13 March 2018

A Tale With My Lecturer season 2 Episode 5

Episode 5
The senator’s daughter showed up at my house the following evening and in the presence of my wife, i told her my story, keeping nothing but little details to myself.

Just like i described in the first part of this story, the girl was a very matured young lady which made opening up to her a little easy for me. Moreover desperation takes away all atom of shame when you are out of options. And of course i was very desperate. Yes very, very desperate.

“you have quite a very long and interesting story sir. I will talk to my dad tonight, and if he’s willing to help you, i will give you a call to come over to our house tomorrow. Your case is just a small one to him” she promised after listening patiently while i thanked her with all my heart.
I also couldn’t help but be pleased with the help i gave to her the previous year. Seriously i never knew she would help me one day.

“so what now?” my wife asked as soon as she left. I breathed deeply and shrugged.
“let’s just wait and hope for her call my dear” i answered. She reached forward and held my hand.

“seriously i really still don’t buy the idea of you going through all these length just to keep your lecturing job. Don’t you think perhaps your destiny is set in another job?” she breathed with great concern. I smiled and kissed her reassuringly.

Early the next day, the senator’s daughter called me on phone. I was overly excited as i answered her call. My heart pounded loudly.
“you can come over to the house by 2pm, my dad is ready to help you. Please don’t come a minute late, i beg of you” she said seriously, leaving a happy smile on my face with the news. Of course i had great hope in the old senator, because I very well knew what a politician like him could do for me.

By 2pm i was already in the Senator’s mansion, very anxious and a bit nervous. His daughter dutifully showed up and led me to his study.
“just act cool, my dad can be annoying sometimes” she whispered to me before disappearing, leaving me all alone in the study. I however didn’t stay alone for too long. The senator soon appeared, looking very serious and unfriendly. I nervously greeted him while he nodded in acknowledgement as he studied me slowly.

“young man, for the record you should know i don’t entertain embarrassing situations like yours, but i’m just helping for the sake of my daughter. Now spill your story and be fast” he said with a very authoritative tone.

I told him my story from the very beginning to the end, hiding nothing. When i was done, he breathed deeply and stared at me seriously.

“now listen up, you have to make a move like a politician. First package your story very well, talk with your Comfort, get her to your side and also get her to collaborate it all. Lastly, talk to the press and leave the rest to me” he said while i smiled with great relief.

“but don’t smile yet because with your story, i see Comfort as a very desperate lady and with my experience in politics, i know getting her to collaborate your story will make you reaching a new deal with her. You can’t win this game without her to back you up openly and i sure know she will definitely cash in on it. I only pity your wife” he concluded and got up, leaving me totally weak as his words took over my entire body.
Of course the old man was very right.
To be continued

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