Sexual Intimacy In Marriage- part 2 - Gistyou


Sunday 6 May 2018

Sexual Intimacy In Marriage- part 2


Love making is a mutual activity shared between a man and his wife, it feels great and brings both closer, cultivating a deep connection that will strengthen their marriage. 
Sexual Intimacy In Marriage- part 2
Intimacy is an umbrella term for people who feel close to each other on a personal level; but when used to describe romantic affairs, it will refer to a close sexual connection. Trusting your partner, feeling loved, comfortable, respected and safe with him/her is a large part of sexual intimacy. 

Naturally, people tend to let down their emotional guards during sex. The release of the ‘’cuddle hormone’’ otytocin, triggers feelings of connectedness that makes couples to be vulnerable; thus, establishing trust with each other. Having sexual intimacy means that you and your spouse, share a special bond characterized by a shared sensual expression. Also, you get to know one another on a sexual level that has emotions behind it and not just a physical act. 

Not everybody will find it easy to develop sexual intimacy or connect with spouse during intercourse. That is why we are going to look for ways to deepen your bond with your partner. 

Set the stage for that intimacy you crave: this can include giving one another massages, play your sensual song, light candles and make sure to clear schedules. You can also indulge in quickie, morning sex before leaving for the office. Choose a time where neither of you will be disturbed such as in the evening or on weekends. Make sure to switch off your phones as nothing ruins romance more than a phone’s ring tone going off in the background.

You can also have a build-up, by teasing your spouse throughout the day with sweet naughty words, text messages or e-mails, whispers of sweet nothings and love along with careful touches to get both of you emotionally connected. Doing this before and after sex is a great way to foster intimacy. This you can do by kissing often as this is a great way to build tension and connect with your partner. Kissing increase serotonin which helps you to sleep better, promotes arousal, improve immunity, increase oxytocin and dopamine, and decrease stress.

Other ways of increasing intimacy is to cuddle after sex for at least a couple of minutes, spoon before going to sleep and do a 6-second kiss every day before going to work. 

Handle your pains: a lot of couples battle with intimacy because they have emotionally grown apart. Unresolved tension keeps most of them from being tender. Scars from the past abuse which could be physical or emotional, can hinder you connecting with your mate. Seek professional help, and experience the gift of forgiveness and reconciliation with your spouse. 

Intimacy starts with ‘’Good Morning’’- from the moment you get up from bed in the morning, you are setting the tone of emotional, physical and spiritual intimacy for the day. Here is a tip: greeting on your feet, give your mate a small kiss on the cheek to avoid morning breath and a warm good morning. Water the seed of kindness throughout the day and watch intimacy blossom. 

Always have a proper and intentional conversation with each other in order to feel loved, appreciated and accepted. Regularly make time to talk and cast vision together about the future, your spouse’s hopes, dreams and needs. Change and evolve with time, as this conversation will actually heighten the fires of physical intimacy. 

Guys, show your wife that you love her, by committing to engage her mind more passionately, than you do her body.

Take advantage of spontaneous Acts of love. Send a handwritten note or text message encouraging your spouse. Listen for these casual statements, ‘’I wish, I could or it will be nice if ‘ ’can give clues about the things that push his/her button. 

Think outside the box of chocolate, it is easy to do the same stuff every time. Once in a while, do something unexpected such as treating your spouse to a formal dinner or cleaning his/her car. 

Consider an occasional note, at least once in a month. Let your spouse know about the things you appreciate/respect and have noticed. Be specific and keep it positive. This reinforces how special your spouse is to you. 

Take a walk or go for a drive- Walking together not only make you both feel physically and emotionally but it can present tremendous opportunities to communicate and reconnect. Most married people don’t have the spiritual gift of romance. I have seen women complain about their men remembering to watch football every day but cannot remember to turn them on. 

Don’t wait until your spouse loses his/her cool because you are not thoughtful or romantic enough. Think ahead, what type of things does he /she spend most time looking at in shops or online, take note and show you care.

Passion and intimacy in marriage are like oxygen and water to the body. If the body does not get the right amount of oxygen, it shows signs of stress, headaches, deep breathing. If it does not get water, it dehydrates and slowly dies. 

The same is true of marriage, if it does not get enough regular dosage of passion and intimacy. It will show signs of stress, lack of closeness, frustration, resentment, regular arguments and withdrawal.


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