“This is F**kery of the highest order” — Daddy Freeze reacts to viral video which shows RCCG members worshiping the chair of their General Overseer. - Gistyou


Wednesday 8 November 2017

“This is F**kery of the highest order” — Daddy Freeze reacts to viral video which shows RCCG members worshiping the chair of their General Overseer.

Controversial OAP, Daddy Freeze has reacted to viral video which shows some alleged RCCG members worshiping the chair of their General Overseer.
Daddy Freeze and pastor Adeboye’s
According to the user who shared the video, the members worshiped the chair which the general overseer sat on – Freeze then reacted to the video, which he calls “fuckery of the highest prder“.

ALSO READ: Daddy Freeze replies pastor Adeboye’s response to his teachings on tithing
Daddy Freeze
Freeze wrote:
“This isn’t a faith based belief system, it isn’t an act of worship, this is fuckery of the highest order,”


  1. I am pertubbed at the needless and incoherent crossfire believers in Christ are engaged in in the full glare of the world ( public) sending verry confusing and disturbing signals. While my opinion on the subject matter remains personal, I am worried that there seems to be low level of studying of the Word of God which is the foundation of Christian beliefs.Relgion seems to have taken the place of knowledge for a lot of us. The scriptures appear to be too sacred and exclusive to many that the truth remains veiled in our minds when we read it as it was when Moses received the commandments. The Bible is the WORD of God and spans generations and dispensations of God's plan for humanity.in a broad sense, we are familiar with the old and New Testament. The old dovelails into the new. While the new explains the Old. There is a disarming harmony between the Old and the new lending credence to the divine origin of The word of God( the Bible) .There is a central theme of the Bible as God's word, expressed in types and shadows in the old and manifested in the New Testament but revealed in the acts of the apostles and epistles. That theme is the revelation of Jesus the Christ. If we don't look at the scriptures with this mindset we miss it. It is not abook of laws nor controversy.Its all about God's redemptive work for his dear creation, man, in Christ Jesus. I leave you with these few scriptures for consideration in the hope we change the narrative forthwith
    1) John 5:39,40 " Search the scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life, but these are they that testify of me and never come to me that you may have life.

    2)2 Tim 2:15 " study to show yourself approved unto God a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth"

    3) Heb1:1 " God who at sundry times spoke to our fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by his son......

    I can go on and on but let me pause here to paunder a while and hope to change the discuss and focus now.

    We, Believers in Christ, do need to pray the prayer of Paul in Ephesians 1:17 .." that God will grant unto us the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him, the eyes of our understanding being enlightened that we may know what is the hope of his calling......

  2. OK o o.

